How do you face tragedy in your life?  Do you put your head in the sand and ignore it?  Or maybe you “get tough” and muscle your way through.  Are you the “smoother”, trying to make everything better?  Or possibly even the “stuffer”, pushing feelings and emotions way down so you don’t have to deal with them.
The best advice I have received and followed is to allow myself to “feel”.  Truly feel your feelings, allow them to surface and observe them.  Accept the feelings and emotions and DO NOT judge them.  The feelings are yours alone and if you “stuff” them they will linger and all the negativity and “badness” will grow and manifest itself in your words, thoughts and actions later.
Just think if you have all the feelings, observe them, and then wave good bye.  Even if those same feelings come back, you will eventually be able to completely let go.
A few tips for the tragedy or curve balls in your life:
  • Observe the feelings & emotions and allow space and time
  • Be kind, loving, and gracious to your self – just as you would to a child
  • Take care to eat healthy and nourish well
  • Move your body – this will release toxins and tension
  • Talk, talk, talk – this was a BIGGIE for me – I was typically a “stuffer” and stoic during times of tragedy and chaos.  I felt it was weak to share my feelings and vulnerability, and I had to set a good example as an oldest child, business person, wife, mother.  Nope, the best example is to be ME and show HOW to feel in a healthy way.  Uffda! Take some time with that one.
  • If you lose a loved one, be real.  Remember it all and laugh, yell, cry, and hug.

This message is in honor of my younger sister who passed away a couple weeks ago.  I am handing my unanswered questions and feelings over to God.  He knows it all and I don’t have to.  I feel comfort in His arms and have a direct line to Him through Jesus.  My prayer for each of you is that you have a support system in place for when tragedy hits your life. 

My seasonal detox coming up is “Letting Go with Peace – Fall Detox Program”.  I was inspired with this title 2 days prior to learning my sister had passed.  

Letting Go indeed.


Self care