5 Tips for a Calmer Morning
Start a Self Care Morning Routine
If you want to pay more attention to yourself and practice self care, it helps to start by working on your morning routine. If you are just hopping out of bed, grabbing breakfast, and running out the door, you are probably already stressed by the time you get into your car. A healthier option is to start a better morning routine with these tips. Unplug Your Devices
When you are trying to start a new morning routine unplug all devices. Don’t try to enjoy a few minutes to yourself by using your cell phone or checking email. Checking social media too much can also be stressful. Turn all electronics off during self-care time in the morning.
Read a Few Pages in a Book
If you can set your alarm for an earlier time, it gives you the chance to catch up on your reading. Find a book that is inspirational and helps motivate you for the day. Read just a few pages or a whole chapter, depending on how much free time you have. This can be while you are having your morning tea or lemon water. Take advantage of these quiet moments and become absorbed in your favorite book.
Practice Meditation & Journaling
The morning is also the ideal time to journal or meditate and repeat mantras. Mantras are sayings or words that help to center your focus and make it easier to meditate. You can also try breathing exercises or traditional meditation. If you like to walk in the morning, that can also help you to meditate.
Stretch & Exercise
I like to stretch, practice yoga and do cardio in the morning. I feel ready for the day and even though I enjoy this practice, I feel it is one thing accomplished that is important to me. You can make this a quick 5-15 minutes or spend an hour if you have the time for an entire routine. And mix it up, some days allow for the time and others are busy.
I always begin the day with a nutrient filled smoothie. I know that whatever kind of day it is, my body is good to go. This only takes a few minutes and gives me energy, boosts my immune system and stabilizes blood sugar and weight.
Try these tips for a calmer morning and let me know how you are doing.
I am here to help you learn what your body needs and what works for you to feel your best and have that Feel Ageless, Be Ageless glow.