What Do You Do When You Hit A Wall?
Have you felt like you’re running on empty after working on special projects or simply pushing too much?  I know I’m not the only one who has experienced burn out or “hitting the wall”.  What do you do?  This is what I needed to do recently when I realized I needed to stop and take care of myself.My tips for a 24 hour reset and refuel:

  • Recognize that only you can make the decision to take care of you
  • Start the day with a big glass of water, lemon and apple cider vinegar –  I do this every day but focused on a higher water intake for the day
  • Smoothie with greens, avocado, berries, protein powder, flax and chia seeds 
  • My food for the day included homemade butternut squash soup, beets, water, kombucha,  herbal tea, Greek yogurt and protein balls 
  • I took breaks all day and really listened to what my body needed
  • Rested with a castor oil pack on my liver while watching a comedy to relax
  • Light cardio followed by yoga stretches 
  • I sat down to eat and enjoyed watching the birds at my feeders – Bad habit standing to eat on the go
Tips for Detox on the Go:
  • Dry skin brush – use a light bristle brush and move the lymph system
  • Tongue scraping – clean the mucous and toxins from your tongue
  • Epsom salt bath with essential oils – replenish minerals 
  • Castor oil pack – helps move toxins from the liver
I’ve been talking a lot about “spring cleaning” and the importance of giving the liver some love and clean out the gunk.  I’m here to help if you feel like you don’t have the energy, hit the wall, or simply need some help to get your life back.
Now is the time to set your mind at ease.  I’m in your corner and here to help.  Learn how to eat real foods, on the go AND have more healthy energy. Contact me if you have questions or get started right away.   peggy@healthcoachmt.com
I am here to help you learn what your body needs and what works for you to feel your best at every age.

castor oil pack

Coach Peggy