A detox bath with Epsom salt is one of the greatest healing therapies that can help to facilitate the natural detoxification system of the body. In this modern world, we are more subject to toxins than ever through the food we eat, the air we breathe and the medications we take. Toxins harm the body by irritating and destroying it. Detoxification is the way the body removes the harmful compounds naturally. A detox bath encourages the body to flush the toxins naturally.
It is imperative to improve our body’s capacity to detoxify and dispose of the waste, while limiting our introduction to toxins. A detox bath is one of the best healing therapies that facilitates and enhances the natural detoxification process of our bodies.
Health Benefits of a Detox bath
A detox bath is usually made with Epsom salt which helps to draws out toxins, but has many health benefits:
1.Eases Stress
Stress has a negative impact on the health of your mind, body and soul. The detox bath will help ease stress and relax the body.
2.Improved Sleep and Concentration
Epsom salt has amazing healing and relaxing properties which lead to an improved sleep and concentration.
3.Better Functioning of the Nervous System
It helps the nervous system to work better by relaxing the nerves. The nervous system then commands all the organs in a healthier manner.
4.Regulate enzyme activity
The bath helps regulate the enzyme activity to help the body in various functions such as digestion and removal of the toxins effectively.
5.Promotes production of insulin
Promotes the production of insulin to help regulate required levels and functioning of organs.
6.Flushes toxins
Flushes out the toxins to improve body functions.
7.Pain Relief for headaches, cramps and spasms
An Epsom salt bath helps relieve pain from headaches, cramps and spasms by relaxing the body and the nerves.
How to Draw a Detox Bath
- Add 2 cups of Epsom salt and 5 drops of lavender essential oil to a full tub of water.
- The water should be hot to dissolve the Epsom salts and detoxify the body.
- Add a cup of baking soda to neutralize the chemicals and enhance mineral absorption.
- Immerse your body to the neck and soak for 20 minutes. Close your eyes and take several long deep breaths.
- After soaking in the bath, take a cool shower using a gentle soap or shampoo to allow the body to absorb the nutrients.
- Apply a natural moisturizer and avoid eating immediately.
- Drink filtered water and rest to rejuvenate.
Epsom salt baths are a great self-care activity and detox tool.
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Coach Peggy