Fall is a Season of Transition

What is transition?  We all experience transitions during our lives.  Birth, going to school, graduating, marriage, babies, aging. 
How about the more subtle transitions such as seasons of life.  When do we go from spring to summer in our lives?  Or summer to fall?  Many of us don’t like to think about it and ignore transitions rather than embrace them. 

Transitions are a time to celebrate such as beginning a new school year and meeting new friends.  AND they are a time of anxiety.  Notice how you are feeling and explore the meaning behind the feeling. 
Transitions can be difficult as we face the transition of a loved one from moving from this life to the next.  How do we move forward?  I encourage you to explore the feelings and embrace them.  Feel them and allow yourself to move through the transition at your own pace.  

Fall is a season of letting go and deep emotional release.  Notice the grounding comfort foods in abundance.  Root vegetables, soups and nuts.  
This is the time to finish projects that you started during the spring and summer, focus on home and family.  
Consider the squirrels as they gather nuts for the winter and birds eat in a frenzy to prepare for the long flight south.

Slow down, nourish and nurture your body.  Enjoy family time, prepare for the cold winter months and follow your instincts.

Enjoy this time of year with gratitude.  Make it a blessed day!  

Moving forward

If you are struggling with your mindset and following a healthy plan for your life, contact me for a FREE Clarity Session.  I am truly here to help you Feel Ageless, Be Ageless.
Coach Peggy