We indulge in rich food and drinks during the winter to nourish and warm our body. We may feel sluggish from staying indoors and need a reset that works – and fast!
Why Spring Clean Eating Reset?
We are constantly exposed to the toxins in this modern world due to air pollution as well as the foods we eat. Livestock is treated with drugs and the crops are sprayed with pesticides which pose serious threats to our health with their harmful side effects.
Spring is the season to give the gallbladder and liver some love. These are the organs we focus on during spring with leafy greens, sprouts and astringent foods.
Anger is the emotion most associated with the liver, so let’s clean out the toxins.
Benefits of Spring Clean Eating Reset
Spring clean eating reset benefits include improved immune system, increased energy and better circulation. There are many benefits of a program focusing on clean eating.
Here are just 4:
1.Weight Loss
A clean eating reset will allow your body to release toxins. The average body is holding 5-15 lbs of toxins.
2.Elevated Energy
Clean eating can increase your energy levels. As the toxins are flushed from your body, you feel lighter so you have more energy. This energy is motivating you to move more and follow your passions and goals.
3.Better Digestion
There is clinical evidence that clean eating also helps greatly with digestion. Toxicity might lead to various health issues such as bloating, nausea, constipation, gas, indigestion and a toxic liver. Your body is able to function better when it isn’t toxic.
4.Improved Immune System
A spring clean eating reset helps improve the immune system. It helps to avoid colds and flu, blemishes, cellulite, tiredness, fatigue and puffy eyes by improving the lymphatic system. It also helps to clear sinuses by decreasing congestion and improving lung function.
A Spring Clean Eating Reset is beneficial to your body. I’m here to help you keep it simple and fun!
Coach Peggy