5 Mistakes People Make on a Clean Eating Reset

There is no “one size fits all” diet, detox or set of healthy habits.

Let’s keep this simple and dive right into a few of the mistakes people make while making healthy changes.

  1. Not looking at food sensitivities.  Many detox programs focus on eliminating dairy, gluten, corn and sugar.  They do not remove common allergenic foods that could be robbing you of energy, disrupting your hormones, sleep, sugar levels and immune system. 
  2. Not including seasonal foods.  The goal of detox is to remove the unwanted waste and toxins from your body before disease set in. This is so important considering your body is exposed to over 2 million toxins per day.
    Seasonal foods naturally detox your body with the bounty of the season.  
  3. Not slowing down.  Traditional detox programs included lots of rest and meditation, and help you release stress and toxins at a deeper level.  
  4. Not eating real food.  Many programs use only mixes, powders and pills.  I do recommend the NeoLife Detox program as an addition to my whole food clean eating detox program  for an additional cleansing of the organs.
  5. Ignoring the emotional aspect of clean eating.  What are you feeling?  Why are you detoxing?  Food can be used to nourish and balance blood sugar and hormones.  

Tip:  Include food elimination for 2-3 weeks to learn what nourishes your body.  Use a Food & Mood Journal to track what you eat, how you feel, and what’s going on in your life each day.


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I am here to help you learn what your body needs and what works for you to feel your best and have that Feel Ageless, Be Ageless glow.

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Coach Peggy