Staying Healthy Through the Holidays
- EXERCISE, I know, I know…
Make a commitment and stick to it as you would any appointment
- Use this time to re-connect with friends; take a walk, take a new class
- You might have to re-define your routine for a few days; be creative!
- Take clothes, DVDs, etc. with you if traveling; research ahead of time
- ROUTINE–Keep the good, throw the rest out the window…joyfully!
- Try to keep the same sleep schedule
- Let go of expectations for schedules and just embrace the beautiful chaos
- ME TIME–A necessity!
- Be picky and selfish with plans. Only commit to holiday parties and other invites that are meaningful to you
- Shut the door (own home or houseguest), gently state your needs
- Great time to journal to stay mindful and balanced
- CONTROL– If you’re a house guest or having visitors, you likely have some new personalities in your life (not to mention having kids and spouses around more often). Simply remembering this is a joyous time that is out of the norm can help.
- Remember-you only control your actions and words
- Try and accept others just as they are
- Lead by example (criticism, gratefulness etc.)
- Practice good conflict resolution
- NUTRITION–Healthfully indulge!
- Take a healthy dish(es) to parties
- Survey the scene first
- Pick your favorites-make it fabulous!
- have small samples of what you love but don’t usually have
- Eat mindfully-breathe, chew
- DO NOT skip meals
- Have healthy snacks on hand, such as nut butters and fruit
- Hangover prevention: Veggies (asparagus!), whole grains, Prickly pear
- Out of sight out of mind; keep healthy foods around!
- IMMUNITY–Take extra boosting steps
- Planes! Take wipes
- Oil of Oregano, garlic, ginger,
pro-biotics - Increase water intake
- Get outside, sunshine
- MINDFULNESS–Be the calm in the storm
- Journal, especially about gratefulness
- Tell your loved ones that you love them
- REMEMBER what the holidays are all about, this is special time off to relax and be with the people you love
- Be realistic about change, this is a hectic time of year. Try to maintain the good in your life
- Be forgiving…there is nothing less healthy than stress and guilt! Be gentle with yourself.
- Give gifts with intention