5 Tips on Returning from Vacation with Ease

Do you have a tough time returning from a great vacation, feeling tired and a bit disoriented?  I know the feeling and will share my tips for transitioning from vacation back to “real life”.  Would you like to enjoy your time off from daily life and feel refreshed after a vacation?

Check out 5 tips that work for me: 


  1. Pre trip planning:  * Leave the house clean so you enjoy walking through the door  *  Put a meal of leftovers in the freezer so you aren’t tempted to eat junk food  
  2. Take a day for catching up with laundry, mail, grocery shopping and pets.  It’s easier for me to make the transition and get back to my regular routine.  I like to roast a pan of veggies, make a pot of soup and a big salad to have nourishing foods in the fridge.
  3. Limit scheduled appointments the first few days to avoid feeling overwhelmed.  I like to plan a lunch date with a friend as a special treat.
  4. Get the body moving!  One of the best ways to increase serotonin is exercise.  Increase energy and improve mood with some cardio and yoga.
  5. Plan something enjoyable and relaxing during the first week.  Mix work, routine, and fun into the transition.  Hmmm…  Does this sound like good tips to live by?  ðŸ™‚
  6. Bonus tip:  Plan your next vacation so you have something to look forward to, even if it’s far into the future.  It helps to know there is more vacation to come.

This picture is a sea gull picking up a piece of cookie on our balcony railing on the last morning of our recent cruise to Alaska.  We had a great time, plan to return to Alaska, AND returned to “real life” with ease.  

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How to Make Healthy Breakfasts when you Have No Time
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Coach Peggy