World Kindness Day November 13

I was listening to the song “If Everyone had a Front Porch” by Tracy Laurence the other day.  Think about that for a moment.  People treat each other with kindness, compassion and respect.

World Kindness Day is November 13. What a concept! It began in Tokyo in 1998 as a movement to encourage kindness between nations.

Let’s start with kindness at home.
Ways to be kind include:

  • Compassion – try to understand another point of view 
  • Understand imperfection – none of us is perfect, and our differences can be interesting
  • Be present – be in the moment
  • Listen – really listening leads to a better understanding
  • Be grateful – write 3 things you are grateful for every day and feel and attitude of kindness

Plato said “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

How to celebrate World Kindness Day:
1. Give at least three compliments to people around you.
2. Write a list of things you love about a friend/family member and show it to them.
3. Post something positive on social media.
4. Say thank you to someone.
5. Deliver items to an animal shelter, like blankets, toys, and paper towels. Animals, as well as humans, need kindness!
6. Call someone you have been missing.
Life's Blessings

If you are struggling with your mindset and following a healthy plan for your life, contact me for a FREE Clarity Session.  I am truly here to help you Feel Ageless, Be Ageless.
Coach Peggy