The most common reason you want to lose weight is to look better in your clothes and in front of the mirror after a shower.
Would you like to fit into your skinny jeans again or maybe that little black dress?
You want to look awesome in a swim suit while you are scuba diving and swimming with the dolphins in January.
You’re going to a reunion with family, friends, classmates you haven’t seen in 20 years. Yikes!
Let’s look at reasons why losing weight is good for your health:
1. Losing weight will stabilize blood sugar. Yes indeed, extra weight contributes to diabetes.
2. Blood pressure typically increases with overweight.
3. Balance hormones with a healthy weight and eating foods that energize and nourish your body.
4. Burnout and illness are side effects of overweight.
5. Overweight contributes to inflammation and join pain.
6. Energy is increased and immune system is boosted while eating foods that nourish your body.
7. Confidence to live your superpower and do your best work in the world. Maintaining a healthy weight and feeling your best allows you to be your best self.
8. Be Ageless! Maintaining a healthy weight for your unique body allows you to let go of a specific age and simply LIVE!
If you are struggling with your mindset and following a healthy plan for your life, contact me for a FREE Clarity Session. I am truly here to help.
Coach Peggy