Weight Loss Without Dieting
This is not a trick.  Permanent weight loss can be done without dieting.  Weight loss can also include yummy foods and feeling satisfied.  No deprivation for sustainable weight control.  The first “diet” I tried was the Atkins Diet.  I felt in control as long as I could hold my breath and not fall off the wagon.  I felt deprived and that was the beginning of an awful cycle of trying the latest fad diet.  And they don’t stop.  It’s overwhelming if you really try follow the latest trend.  

Right about now we are all feeling an expanded waistline and are committed to “losing the holiday pounds” after the last party of the season. 

How do you plan to accomplish your weight loss goals?  
  • Sugar cravings are out of control
  • Feelings of overwhelm with trying to determine the best diet
  • Blotchy skin
  • Brain fog and unable to focus
  • Major fatigue and no energy
  • Avoiding invitations because you feel fat
I know these feelings.  I learned about elimination and what foods give me energy.  I know what foods help me feel satisfied without cravings.  That’s a biggie for most of us.  

Now is the time to set your mind at ease.  I’m in your corner and here to help.  Learn how to eat real foods, on the go AND lose weight.  Contact me if you have questions or get started right away.   peggy@healthcoachmt.com

Happy New Year!

Join the Feel Ageless, Be Ageless 14 Day Clean Eating Program and find out what lifelong health is really about.  You can join the group program or start on your own today.


If you have questions, please contact me asap.  Let’s get started!

I am here to help you learn what your body needs and what works for you to feel your best at every age.

exercise diet

Coach Peggy