Gratitude Can Change Your Life
It’s World Gratitude Day on September 21.  I did not know there was a day set aside for expressing gratitude.  
Many of you know it is one of the first things I recommend for healthy living.The idea for World Gratitude Day came in 1963 when Mrs. Edna Fuerth Lemle brought it up during a reception at the United Nations, and then meditation guru Sri Chinmoy, who received the World Gratitude Day Award in 1977, helped to spread the holiday across the globe.How can gratitude change your life?  According to Dr Robert Emmons, practicing gratitude can increase happiness by 25%!

How to include gratitude in your daily life?  I have a few ideas to get you started.  I encourage you to add whatever works for you.

  • Write in a Gratitude Journal every day.  Include 3 things big or small.  The act of writing brings life to the feelings of gratitude.
  • Each morning before you get out of bed, stretch big and take a minute to be thankful for your loved ones and relationships.
  • Say thank you.  Write a real note with paper and pencil and send it or put it in a lunchbox.  
  • Focus on the cup as half full.  Recognize what you have and NOT what you don’t have.  
  • Find the blessing or lesson in even the most distressing situations.
I am grateful for each of you and the opportunities I have every day to touch lives in my coaching.
I am here to help you learn what your body needs and what works for you to feel your best at every age.

dance in the rain

I am truly here to help you Feel Ageless, Be Ageless.  Contact me today for your FREE 20 minute clarity call.
Coach Peggy